"Dance has as its preferred tool what we all have at our disposal: a body, fabulous, possibly listening to oneself, to the other, to others and to the world..."
« top » is an onomatopoeia, an injunction, a starting signal
« top » tinkles boldly in the ear
« top » is a tiny word consisting of 3 characters
« top » means above, even higher, a kind of summit
« top » is an arrow; a link between nadir and zenith
« top » is the ultimate name given by Régine Chopinot to a piece that has constantly changed name and format since its inception, in May 2019, as part of the Fabrique d'expériences, an initiative of Hortense Archambault, director of the MC93 - Maison de la culture de Seine St Denis in Bobigny.
While waiting for the work to be definitively named, the piece was first entitled deuxzérodeuxun then deuxzérodeuxdeux then 2 0 2 2 then 2 0 2 ... and finally « top ».
With time as an absolute companion, and in the form of fundamental and applied research laboratories, this is how Régine Chopinot creates, in the company of those close to her artistically.
With regular openings to the public to share the progress of the work in the form of stages, each as important as the next, the idea is to meet people without it being auditions, and to work on the spirit and resonance of the places.
« top » is a kind of danced, performed, choreographed matrix, made up of people on a long-term basis, a moving team with arrivals and departures. « top » remembers everything, every person, every place, every improvisation. « top » is a kind of iceberg; it's advisable not to rely on the emerged part.
3presentations at Théâtre Garonne (presented with La Place de la danse - CDCN) on the 19th, 20th and 21st
1 additional presentation on October 22
Bookings and further information
2presentations at the Théâtre du Kiasma, scheduled as part of Montpellier Danse's winter season on 8 and 9
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1 presentation at l'Onde Vélizy at the Immersion Danse festival on 24
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2presentations at the Manège de Reims on 12 and 13
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1 presentation at Mâcon's scène nationale on 20
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MARCH 2023
1presentation at the Halle aux grains in Blois on 23
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APRIL 2023
1presentation at Bords de scènes, Juvisy-sur-Orge on the 1st, as part of the Essonne Danse festival
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Tour « top » 2023 - 2024
2 performances at Pôle Sud - CDCN Strasbourg on 5 and 6
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MARCH 2024
1 presentation at L'autre Scène de Védène on 2
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APRIL 2024
1 presentation at Scène55 in Mougins on 5
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MAY 2024
2 presentations at Lyon's Maison de la Danse on 28 and 29
Booking and further information
Creative residency at Liberté scène nationale de Toulon from April 23 to 30, 2021
At Manège scène nationale de Reims from August 31 to September 5, 2021
Public opening Sunday, September 5, 4pm
At the MC93 from September 7 to 19, 2021
« top » will be created from September 22 to October 2, 2021, 10 public presentations at the MC93
2 presentations on October 8 and 9, 2021 at GRRRANIT scène nationale de Belfort
Production : MC93 Maison de la culture de Seine-St-Denis à Bobigny , Le Manège, scène nationale Reims, Le Liberté scène nationale à Toulon, GRRRANIT scène nationale Belfort and Cornucopiae.
With the support of the Fondation d'entreprise Hermès.
« top »
Rhythm is the key
The moment when the body starts to move
Rocking and shaking
Tying and untying
In vibration
Vincent on drums
Nico on guitars
« top » is anything but soft
« top » dépote
A noisy, fearless force
Naoko Prunelle Mellina
Tristan Deyvron Bekaye Julien
Nicolas and Sallahdyn
Walk, walk, walk
Jump, jump
Turn, turn, turn
Porter se faire porter
Always lend a hand, always
Let yourself look
Listen see smell
Conception and choreography Régine Chopinot
With Nicolas Barillot, Tristan Bénon, Mellina Boubetra, Prunelle Bry, Régine Chopinot, Bekaye Diaby, Naoko Ishiwada, Sallahdyn Khatir, Vincent Kreyder, Nico Morcillo, Deyvron Noel, Julien Roblès
And also Curro Escalante Vargas, Grégory Granados, Ixepë Sihaze
Drums Vincent Kreyder
Guitar Nico Morcillo
Sound Nicolas Barillot
Lighting Sallahdyn Khatir
Clothing Auguste de Boursetty
Production MC93 Maison de la culture de Seine-St-Denis à Bobigny , Le Manège, scène nationale Reims, Le Liberté scène nationale à Toulon, GRRRANIT scène nationale Belfort and Cornucopiae. With the support of the Fondation d'entreprise Hermès.