Cornucopiae - the independent dance is an association under the French law of 1901, created in 2008 to support the creations and repertoire of choreographer and dancer Régine Chopinot. Here, you can help us pursue our projects in creation, transmission and choreographic research, and support the development of "Choreographic Art and Society" initiatives.
Under the French law of August 1, 2003, 66% of the amount of your donation is deductible from your income tax, up to an annual limit of 20% of taxable income, for all French tax residents, and for all donations made before December 31. Under the corporate sponsorship tax regime, companies subject to income tax or corporation tax can deduct 60% of the value of their donation, up to a limit of 0.5% of sales, with the possibility of carrying forward the excess over the following 5 years. The corporate sponsor is entitled to benefits capped at 25% of the amount of the donation. On receipt of your donation, we will send you a tax receipt, issued in accordance with the applicable regulations.
Choreographic art and society, a committed project
DSince2014, Régine Chopinot has been constantly questioning the relevance of choreographic art to society via learning the French language through dance. Choreographic practice workshops welcome people in exile, learning the French language or in precarious situations. Through dance, combining gesture and speech, this project aims to transmit tools for personal, human and social development. It emphasizes orality and movement, and encourages awareness of the body and language, both the language of a shared community and the expression of one's own singularity. Taming bodies, naming them to rediscover unity, naming space too to feel at its heart.
Du Corps à l'ouvrage, a research laboratory; a creation
In the loops of Régine Chopinot's trajectory, the creation of Végétal in1995 with iconic Land Art artist Andy Goldsworthy and then the experience of the South Pacific between 2009 and 2018 with Very Wetr! and PMP have already confronted her with the demands of the outdoors. Du Corps à l'ouvrage works outdoors with the desire to retrace her steps without ceasing to move backwards. Régine Chopinot's specific approach means that all phases of the research work are open to the public. Each 6-day period is accessible to the public, who participate in the construction of this creation. It's a special economic model, established on the basis of this exchange during creation, which gives particular strength and meaning to co-production, partnership and accompaniment.