Depending on the weather and the brightness of the place. Danced and acted visit ofA D-N au carré, the A D-N that lights up in the daylight, perfumes itself with the weather, the A D-N... OUTSIDE...
Porter ses pas, venir, s'avancer, enjamber, s'acheminer, suivre, se déplacer, progresser, tourner, tourner en rond, partir, naviguer, évoluer, rôder, crapahuter... synonyms for the verb to walk... an organizing path for a choreographic canvas.
ATTENTION: the rain makes us change the venue
A D-N au carré on October 8, 2022 at 4pm at the Musée Gasendi
in Digne-les-Bains (04)
Ambulo- Pôle muséal et artistique de Digne-les-Bains
With the support of Région Sud - Carte balnche aux artistes
Designed by Régine Chopinot
Bekaye Diaby dance
Régine Chopinot dance choreography
Naoko Ishiwada dance
Nico Morcillo guitar composition
Nicolas Barillot sound
Sallahdyn Khatir space