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João Garcia
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« top » at the Essonne Danse Festival

« top » is a kind of danced, performed, choreographed matrix, made up of people on a long-term basis, a moving team with arrivals and departures. « top » remembers everything, every person, every place, every improvisation. « top » is a kind of iceberg; it's advisable not to rely on the emerged part.

« top »

a presentation on April 1, 2023 at 8:30 p.m.

with the support of the Fondation Hermès

Reservations : Les Bords de Scène - Grand-Orly Seine Bièvre

More info here

Design and choreography Régine Chopinot

With Nicolas Barillot, Tristan Bénon, Mellina Boubetra, Prunelle Bry, Bekaye Diaby, Naoko Ishiwada, Sallahdyn Khatir, Vincent Kreyder, Nico Morcillo, Deyvron Noel, Julien Roblès

Drums Vincent Kreyder

Guitar Nico Morcillo

Sound Nicolas Barillot

Lighting Sallahdyn Khatir

Auguste de Boursetty clothing