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Good news

As part of the Fabrique d'expériences program, Bonne nouvelle is the name given to Régine Chopinot's joy in imagining a free score for and with twenty-four highly motivated kids from Bobigny.

Ayline, Sirine, Naomie, Lizzie, Shaïli, Luc, Clémentine, Yasemin, Irfane, Adam, Hedy, Husam, Sofiane, Nordine, Alix Daphné, Nil Léonce, Maelice, Anais, Alyssia, Anaïs, Iliana, Maellys, Siam and Alexia are no strangers to the MC93, having recently taken part in the Petite troupe and Défilé projects. The MC93 is their home.


Good news; naming - humming - whispering, hooting and clicking with the tongue, tiptoeing in single file in the footsteps of the wolf, meeting up at the four corners of the world to dance without thinking, running ardently, jumping and carrying each other, not forgetting, sometimes, to raise our heads to the sky, count the daisies, talk to the birds, fan ourselves with our eyes closed...


With dancer Bekaye Diaby, drummer Valentin Provendier, lighting designer Sallahdyn Khatir and the MC93 team.


3 weekends: February1 & 2, March1 & 2, March 22 & 23, 2025

1 week from April 14 to 19, 2025 with public opening on Friday 18 at 7pm and Saturday 19 at 5pm in the new hall.



RC 31-01-2025