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Photos : Thierry Bouffiès
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Laboratory workshop

October 28 to 30, 2014
A project by Maison des Arts Solange Baudoux and Régine Chopinot - Cornucopiae

Following Régine Chopinot's lecture on June 18, 2014 at the Médiathèque d'Évreux, a new project is being set up with students and teachers from the Maison des Arts Solange Baudoux, those from the Conservatoire and dancers/choreographers from the region. 

              - What made you want to come to Evreux? How did the connection with the Maison des Arts come about?
The starting point for any project is almost always a meeting of minds. Anne Jaillette and Cécile Marical came to Toulon, the small Mediterranean port city where I've lived and worked since 2011. I then presented a video screening of my work at the Médiathèque. I took the opportunity to visit the venues and the teaching artists, ... I took a whiff of Evreux ... and we began to imagine these 3 days in October to see, perceive ...
- Very curiously, several participants in these three days don't give it the same name: atelier, rencontre, stage, laboratoire, collision.
Yes, I had suggested to Anne Jaillette the term "workshop", then finally it was announced as "laboratory workshop". It doesn't really matter, because I find it hard to name the work that emerges from these times of encounter. I work "with what comes", using the tools of dance: weight, space, listening... And I try to preserve the notion of pleasure combined with those of demand and commitment. It seems to me that I always work in the same way: it's the people who are with me, in front of me, who inspire and guide me. I hadn't thought of "Collision" yet, but that's good too ;-)It's rare enough to be noticed.
- Can you tell us about your approach, your expectations?
I expect things to go as smoothly as possible and to make the most of the potential present. I try to get rid of my own pre-requisites, I try to be in the present and weave links between "me, you and the others". It's not that easy!
- What did you want to give? To take?
The return of the verb to give is to receive, sorry Emanuel, I try to avoid the word take, I don't know why but I'm not a friend of the verb take ;-) Yes, of course, I try to share as much as I can of the tools I have with me and, indeed, I also receive a lot in return.
- And finally, what was it like for you?
It's a time of discovery and experience, of singular little adventures that are dear to me.
- Is transmission a notion that's dear to you? Why or why not?
Transmission is a big, big word because of mission, but trans speaks to me better. Yes, to pass on, to check what is passed on, what is trans, what is in the middle, the interval that connects, questions, yes I like questions, I like the life of questions and the shape of the question mark that goes with it.
- Similarly, one participant explained: "Régine Chopinot isn't directive, and yet she knows how to lead us... wherever she wants." What do you think?

I organize the work with great gentleness and precision, guiding things by proposing very simple, very concrete tools.Is "direction" an important word for a choreographer? I use the word direction. It seems to me to be a more dynamic, open word.

The double orientation such as gravity and the gravitational reaction that makes us stand, for example... "Opening up to the other" (other dancers), "open eyes", "butterfly airport".
- Can you explain how you see the dancers' relationship with their bodies?
I work with the power of imagery: "chocolate or champagne eyes", "the eye smile" for available eyes that modify the tone of the spine, "the butterfly airport" to keep the neck free, "the Geisha cushion" to relax the lumbar vertebrae... "The eyes of the back" to restore the body's natural balance. Les yeux du dos" (the eyes of the back) to restore presence to the skin of the back ... I've noticed that they work, and they're all good work buddies, based on anatomical foundations and observations of the body in movement.
- You've left an indelible mark. An undeniable enrichment. Do you have any ideas on what to do next?
It's great if the feedback is good, because this work is so demanding that it's not easy. I try to make sure that these are special moments that make a difference. What happens next depends on the strength of each individual's desire to continue. I've met some very nice people, so yes, I hope there will be a sequel.

" Workshop " laboratory workshop Évreux Maison des Arts Solange Baudoux October 28-30, 2014
In the company of: Cécile Marical, teacher at Maison des Arts / visual artist Alexandre Gbeblewoo /dancer and choreographer / Cie Lexanto Mathilde Laot /dancer and choreographer / Cie Ballet Willy Max

The proposal:
With gentleness and precision, the aim is to open up, perceive and implement a physical and energetic space. The challenge is to find the right supports to unite a homogeneous group, while respecting each individual's place, and to establish a common path using the tools of yoga, dance, rhythm and speech.
At the Maison des Arts, Cécile Marical's experimental engraving workshop will be the starting point for this new joint adventure.

"Graver, of uncertain etymology, oscillates between Greek and German, between the clarity of writing (graphein) and the darkness of the grave and digging (graben). (...) To practice engraving today, to question engraving, is to place oneself voluntarily outside fashions and ruptures, in the omnipresence of time and the universality of matter, in the fundamental and the derisory, in the economy of means and artifice, in the permanence of obscure clarity, in the unreasonable wisdom of applying and transgressing the rules imposed by the materials, in the seriousness of the game, in the generation of the same that is never the same, in an unaltered sensitivity to the place of the world and the horizon of the infinite. ... "
Maurice Maillard 

Workshop location: Conservatory gymnasium on October 28/29 and 30, 2014
From 9:30 am to 12:30 pm and from 2:30 pm to 5:30 pm each day
This work is open to anyone engaged in bodily practice and/or the production of artistic acts.
Comfortable clothes for movement, bare feet or socks, floor mat or towel, sweaters or plaids if cold weather.
Project participation subject to availability.
Information Maison des Arts Solange-Baudoux / 02 32 78 85 40