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MI - Involuntary Movement

From Thursday March 20 to Saturday March 29, Régine Chopinot and 3 dancers from the Wetr troupe will be at EDIT to pass on, exchange and share their dance experiences with dancers and musicians in training with Irène Tassembédo.
To sum up the spirit of this work in Ouagadougou, "mi / mouvement involontaire" is the name suggested by Luc Sanou, one of the dancers Régine Chopinot met during Germaine Acogny's workshop at the École des Sables in Toubab Dialow in the summer of 2013.
With Jean Jacques Bassole, Ben Salaah Cisse, Yacouba Coulibaly, Lassina Dembélé, Doubata Diarra, Ida Faho, Drengene Hnamano, Simone Heijloo, Christelle Kabore, Souleymane Jain Koné, Oirana Moraes, Aurélie Ouedraogo, Luc Sanou, Nadia Sawoadogo, Ixepe Sihaze, Régis Tsoumbou, Paola Vargas and Epiatre Wawine / Duration: one hour / Régine Chopinot would like to thank Irène Tassembédo and her team for their warm welcome during this residency.