Hivernales d'Avignon 2014 - pedagogy
With Régine Chopinot
Wednesday March 5 to Saturday March 8, 2014 9:30 am to 12:30 pm
Gymnase ex-caserne des pompiers (Avignon)
All levels
The yoga transmitted to Régine Chopinot by Michel Alibert (IFY trainer), which she practices with the dancers of her company, is a yoga of movement particularly adapted to dancers.
It is a demanding and effective tool for deepening and broadening the field of perception of dance movement. Between verticality and horizontality, front and back, right and left, outside and inside, it offers infinite fields for perceptive investigation.
The course is open to anyone involved in bodywork.
Registration: €165
Information: +33 (0)4 90 82 33 12
Cornucopiae +33 (0)4 89 96 10 01